Wednesday 15 May 2024

Countryside Inn Square Card and Gift Box

Hello everyone, how are you all doing??

Today I thought I would share something I have been working on. 

I have made a card and gift box for a friends birthday, which I think you may all like.  My lovely husband has been envolved with this project as well, as he has taken the photographs for me.  So, we are talking super high resolution photographs, so let's hope they aren't too big!


I have made this design of card several times now, but originally it was from a video I had seen made by Jan B.  The box on the other hand is all my own design!

To make the card I used Boho Blue cardstock, cut to 5 3/4 " x 11 1/2" - scored and folded at 5 3/4" to make a square card base.  I then layered white cardstock and Countryside Inn dsp using a 1/4" border.  To make the raised folded piece in the middle I used a different piece of dsp cut to 5 1/2 " squared.  I then folded the corners in to the middle of the dsp, and folded the points back to touch the outside of the square.  The white scrap I stamped on was 3 13/16" squared.

Then it was just down to some decoration.  I made flowers using co-ordinating cardstock and gems. 

The box, which holds some pretty Harding and Bayliss soaps, was created from a piece of white cardstock measuring 10 1/2" x 9".  I scored and folded it to make a box that was 2 1/2" wide and 3 1/2" high.  I decorated the sides and top of the box to match the card.  


I hope you like my card, and will give it a go.  

If you would like to recieve a new catalogue please email me at   and I will happily pop one in the post to you.

Happy crafting!

Hazel Anne x


  1. Beautiful Hazel xx

  2. Heather Forgan15 May 2024 at 19:22

    The card, box and photos are all wonderful!! 💙💙💙

  3. Photos are great. The card and box fabulous 🌹😊

  4. Great card Hazel xx


Inspire Ink Blog Hop - Summer

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