Monday 8 January 2024


Hello everyone, how are you all doing?

Sunday has come around really quickly again, but while a lot of my Stampin' Up! sisters are sharing cards and projects made with their Sale-a-bration goodies - I thought I would show you two cards I made this week using often overlooked stamp sets from the Annual Catalogue.

The first of these is one I made using the "Lets Go Fishing" suite on page 78. The suite comes with designer series paper, stamp set and dies, and also an embossing folder. Unless you need male orientated cards, this suite can be very much overlooked.  

I have had a lot of use out of this set, and am aware that I have previously shared this set with you.  But todays card is completely different from cards I have shown you before.  I made a "fishing tackle box" card, for my fishing mad nephew.  It has a pop-up element within the card.  I also made my first ever Facebook Reel, which you can see here:

This quite clearly shows the pop-up element.

The other card I made was using Level Complete, 161563 page 93.  This stamp set is amazing if you have any gamers in the family.  

Once again I have cased a card, but this time it is from the catalogue, I always find the catalogues are a source of inspiration.  The card was a very easy, and quick, card to case.  I even did a spot of stamping on the inside.

I hope you enjoyed my cards today.  Remember if you would like a catalogue please email me at, and I will be most delighted to pop one in the post to you.

Happy crafting!

Hazel Anne x

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